The Ecuadorian Amazon is one of the most diverse places on Earth. Located on the eastern side of the country, it is home to unique ecosystems where various endemic animals and plants have made their home in this humid forest.

The upper Amazon basin is an area with easy access from major cities that connect the Amazonian town with local roads and are just hours away by car, bus or by plane.   The Lower basin is the deeper rainforest and it is only accessible via river travel or by air.

Within the several hectares of protected areas, there are also tribes that live in the rainforest and that have their own customs, culture, language, and traditions that have been passed on from past generations and that have lived in the Amazon for centuries.  There are tours that will add this multicultural experiences to the adventure.

Being in this remote location brings the opportunity to see first-hand of the fauna which consists of more than 150 amphibians, 120 reptile species, 380 fish species, 70,000 insect species and 595 different birds.  The concentration of species is one of the highest in just 62 hectares of Ecuadorian Rainforest.

The weather in the Amazon is about the same all year long, small variations happen but the average temperature is of 28C (82F) for excursions it is bet to wear long-sleeve cotton shirts and long pants, thus this will avoid mosquito bites.  Sunglasses, rubber boots, insect repellent, sunscreen protection is also advised.

For more information visit the FAQs page.

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