This is one of the largest Galapagos birds with a wingspan of up to 8 feet and can weight an average of 8-11 pounds.  They mate for life and can be easy recognized by their brown bodies and white from their necks to their heads.  They feed on fish and crustaceans spending a large part of their day searching for food in the ocean.

Their mating rituals are loud and complex; they get involved in what it looks like a dance.  They touch their beaks and facing each other; they move their heads from side to side.  They also open and close their beaks making a loud noise while they move around their mate.  Courtship can last several hours, and it is one of the most entertaining natural spectacles to watch.  They lay one egg and take turns to incubate it.

Their main breeding colonies are in Española island which is part of our itinerary D in the Galapagos Legend and the Coral yachts.