There are two species of frigatebirds in the Galapagos: the Magnificent and the Great frigate bird.  The Magnificent frigate birds living in the Galapagos are mainly found in colonies on the North Seymour, Floreana, Genovesa and San Cristobal.

They can be recognized by their bright black feathers: males have a red sack on their neck used to attract females in the mating time, while females have a white underbelly.  Their mating ritual is simple and colorful when males blow up their red pouches until a females lands next to them accepting the courtship.  They are one of the most efficient fliers, due to their body to wingspan ration that helps them to maintain flying control efficiently.

They feed on fish, especially flying fish that jump out of the water due that they cannot swim.  Also, they have developed techniques where they attack other seabirds to force them to regurgitate their meal.

They can be spotted in all our itineraries in the Galapagos Legend and the Corals.