There are four species of mockingbirds in the islands: the Galapagos mockingbirds, the Floreana Mockingbirds, Española Mockingbirds and the San Cristobal Mockingbird.  Their plumage is very similar one to another, darkish gray with brown areas and white chests.  The difference between them is their beaks.

They are very inquisitive animals that will approach tourist in search of food or water.  They nest on cacti or low bushes, and the entire colony helps to take care of the hatchlings.  Their diets vary from seeds, fruits, insects, plants, etc.  Some of them live on islands where visits from tourists are not allowed, so there are few sighting of them.

A common belief is that Darwin took back with him samples of finches, which helped him to develop his Theory of Evolution.  However, he focused his studies on the mockingbirds where he noticed their adaptive differences.

The most common species are the Galapagos and the Española mockingbirds and can be seen in all our itineraries of the Galapagos Legend and the Coral yachts.